Public rights of way are ways over which the public have the right to pass and repass. Public footpaths are for pedestrians only. Public bridleways are for pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists. Public byways are pedestrians, horse riders, cyclists and motorised vehicles, subject to the character of the way.
Lancashire has a network of 3,716 miles of public rights of way, including 240 miles of Bridleways. Lancashire Countryside Service has a statutory responsibility for these Public Rights of Way.
Lancashire Countryside Service’s responsibilities include:
- Signposting and waymarking of footpaths, bridleways and byways.
- The updating and continuous review of public rights of way on the Definitive Map which is the official legal record of public rights of way.
- Maintaining the surface of a right of way to a standard appropriate for the purpose for which the highway is used. Walkers should, however, be prepared to use boots in poor weather.
- Maintaining bridges over natural river courses.
- Making grants to landowners of 25% of the cost of maintaining approved stiles and bridlegates.
- Administering the law concerning rights of way and in particular ensuring that they can be used by the public.

The Countryside Service holds copies of the Definitive Maps and accompanying statements. So if you wish to check the rights of way network, if you require information or you encounter a problem please contact the Countryside Service who will be only too pleased to help.
Contact Details
Tel: 01772 534709
e-mail: countrysideservices@lancashire.gov.uk
Below is a link to the Lancashire County Council (Mario) Map showing footpaths around Read.
Lancashire County Council Local Footpaths Map – Read