Local Organisations

Readstone Help and Assistance Group has been set up to offer practical support and advice to members of our community during the coronavirus health crisis particularly those who are self isolating. This includes picking up shopping, posting mail, urgent supplies, friendly phone calls, dog walking, and other assistance. They can also offer help with emergency supplies and have a helpline for anyone who has lost their job or had to close their business.

Readstone Help and Assist Facebook Group

 Contact Greera Norse on 07540 150504.

Readstone Road SafetyFacebook Group

Simonstone with Read W.I. –  Meet on the third Thursday of the month in Simonstone Old School on School Lane at 7.30pm. Events are organised throughout the year and visitors and new members are welcome to come along. Further information from Sue Ogden – Tel. 773060

Readstone United Junior Football Club –  Readstone United Junior Football Club –  New players are always welcome and the club is always on the look-out for adults interested in managing or coaching a team or helping out in an administrative role within the club. Contact Secretary@readstonejfc.club. For more information about the club please visit their website www.readstonejfc.club or their Facebook page

Read Cricket Club –

  • Hon. Secretary – Jenny Sharples e-mail:ajenny907@gmail.com
  • Hon. Chair – Andrew Turner 07786 462107 e-mail:info@pendlehillproperties.co.uk
  • Facebook

Read Bowling Club –  Open April – October. Afternoons and evenings to members and non-members. New members and beginners very welcome.

  • Anne Atkinson 771926:
  • Henry Duerden 773361:
  • Facebook

Read & Simonstone Community First Responders – Anyone interested in joining the team contact Julie Sharpley – Tel. 773658 or Matthew Woods – Tel. 774257

Friends of Read School – are always looking for volunteers to assist in various ways: Contact David Smith – Tel. 771065 Facebook

The Readstone Singers – welcomes new female singers on Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.00pm at St. John’s Church. For information telephone Contact Olwyn Pearce 07891471404

The Edward Bear Group – is arranged for families with very young children. It meets in St. John’s Church on the first Wednesday in every month at 11.00am for a short service (approx. 15 mins.) It is arranged by the Mothers Union and supported by a dedicated band of helpers. For further information the Edward Bear Team – tel. 773169

Read Mothers Union – Mrs. C. Sowerbutts, The Vicarage, George Lane, Read – 01282 771361

Luncheon Club – Mrs. A. Wild, 25 Harewood Avenue, Simonstone – 01282 772810

Read Drama Group – Mrs. D. Collinson, 4 Jubilee Street, Read – 01282 778582

Read Readers (village book club) – meet at 2 Read Hall Cottages, Hammond Drive every first Thursday of each month from 7.30pm. Further information about each month’s book available from Read Library. Please telephone Ms. Sam Bruce (01282 777442) of your intention to come to the meeting.