The Recreation Ground and Allotments are held in trust by the Charity Commission. The Recreation Ground was given to the parish in 1920 by Joseph Kemp, owner of the Friendship and Victoria Mills and the allotments were purchased from Richard Fort in 1895. In 1973 the County Surveyor drew up plans for the redevelopment of the land to provide new sports facilities and the provision of a car park. Read United AFC currently have the use of the football pitch during the winter months. There is a kick-about area on the west side of the recreation ground for use throughout the year by residents.
Readstone United JFC was formed in 1988. Enquiries about junior training to Geoff Lambert, 1 Patrick Avenue, Read, Burnley tel 01282 771442.

In 1991 a committee was set up to raise money to provide an adventure playground. The members were interested parents and representatives from both Read and Simonstone Parish Councils. The new playground equipment was installed in October 1992 and in 1993 the playground was placed second in the Village Ventures Competition. The prize money was used for the construction of walkways around the playground. Over the past 10 years there has been a natural deterioration in the wood and the Parish Council is raising money annually from the precept to replace the existing playground equipment. In 2006 a grant for the replacement of the Junior Climbing frame was received from the Borough Council. A further grant has been applied for to replace the small drawbridge.
The annual inspection of the playground equipment is carried out by RoSPa in August. It would be appreciated if residents could inform the clerk or any member of the council of any problems. Most can be rectified immediately but occasionally it is necessary to order replacement parts from the suppliers and this can take up to 6 weeks.