Public Meeting Traffic Calming 25th Oct 7pm Village Hall
Public Meeting Traffic Calming on 25th Oct
Confirmation of Dates of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights 2022/23
The 2022-2023 Annual Return and Accounting Statements are now available to view, as confirmed in the following document:
Confirmation of Dates of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights
Election results!
On 4th May 2023 voting for a Parish Council election took place, results are available on Ribble Valley Borough Council’s website, or by clicking this link.
We look forward to working together to improve the local area.
Have you got ID? You’ll need it to vote!
You will now need ID if you want to vote in upcoming elections. Luckily there is a handy guide here.
To vote in these elections, you must be registered to vote by 11:59pm on Monday 17 April 2023.
If you’ve never registered, have recently moved to a different address, or changed your name, register to vote online at You can also apply by completing a paper application form.
If you need help registering to vote, or want to request an application form, contact your local council.
To find their contact details for your local council visit
or call the helpline on 0800 328 0280.
You can use any of the following accepted forms of photo ID to be able to vote at a polling station.
✓ Passport
✓ Certain concessionary travel cards
✓ Driving licence (including provisional licence)
✓ Blue badge
✓ Identity card with PASS mark (Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
✓ Biometric immigration document
✓ Defence Identity Card
✓ National identity cards
If you don’t have any of these you can apply for a free voter ID document, known as a Voter Authority Certificate. You need to be registered to vote before you apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. When you register to vote, you’ll be asked whether you have photo ID or if you want to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.
The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate for use at these elections is 5pm on Tuesday 25 April, but you
should apply as soon as possible in case your local council needs to check any details with you.
You can apply at

Notice of Casual Vacancy
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in the office of Councillor for the Read Parish Council.
The full notice can be viewed here
Report It & Love Clean Streets
Lancashire County Council’s Report It website will be changed today (Wednesday 22 February) as they move over to Love Clean Streets website.
Report It on the go
If you are already using the Love Clean Streets app, then you should continue to use this to report highways issues on the go to us, using your mobile or tablet. This is the easiest and quickest way to report highways issues.
Any reports you make via the app will not be affected by the changes to the website.
Changes to the Report It website
From Wednesday 22 February, any highways issues reported to us on our website, will be made on the Love Clean Streets website.
You will still be able to access the advice and guidance on Report It in the same way you can now, however, you will be redirected to the third-party Love Clean Streets website to make your report.
Create an account
When using the website, you may not notice a big difference and they have tried to make this change as seamless as possible. However, you will need to create an account with Love Clean Streets before making a report on the website. To do this, you will need an email address and password.
If you have already created an account via the Love Clean Streets mobile app, you will be able to use this to login to the website, however you will need to save a password.
Tracking your reports
Any reports submitted to the Report It website, prior to Wednesday 22 February, will be available to view on the Love Clean Streets website from 27 February 2023. You will be able to track the progress of these reports by searching any of the following:
If you have submitted reports to the Report It website in the last 3 months, you should have received an email, informing you of the changes, and giving you the option to consent to your reports being made available in Love Clean Streets. If you do not provide your consent to this, you will still be able to search for your report via category or ward – it will just not be attributed to your Love Clean Streets account.
Further information
Information about the changes is available on Lancashire County Council’s website here:
Newsletter 2022
Our annual news letter has been published and will be making its way around the village, you can see a digital copy here if you just can’t wait!
This year the newsletter has information about local events, groups and contact information for councillors, along with advice about how we can keep our village a safe and happy place to be.
Halloween trick or treating
As Halloween 🎃 approaches it can be an exciting time, but not everyone wants to join in with the spooky 👻 festivities, this poster (PDF) from LANPAC that can be displayed by houses in if they don’t want to be visited by trick or treaters on Halloween.
Stay safe this Halloween and respect others!